Itineraries of art and spirituality

The Pastoral Centre of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore continues its collaboration, now more than ten years, with the Department of Art History of the University for the realization of the Itineraries of Art and Spirituality Project.

The program is entirely dedicated to the enjoyment of contemporary art with a strong spiritual inspiration. Every year, through a temporary exhibition, artists from different languages are invited to a common meditation on a theme, linked to the deepest understanding of the concept of spirituality and how art can be a precious vehicle for it.

In an increasingly modern and frenetic world that seems to have no more time to stop, Itinerari offers a space for free expression and continuous dialogue between curator and artist, annually producing new reflections that are always stimulating, opportunities for personal growth for all participants.  

It is with this in mind that since 2017 the curatorship of the exhibitions has been fully entrusted to the students of the Pastoral Center, so as to allow young people, recent graduates or not, to actively participate in the complete organization of the events, from the selection of artists to the set-up, offering an important opportunity to put into practice the theoretical knowledge learned during their studies.

The Department of Art History is responsible for accompanying students throughout the process, supporting them both scientifically and professionally.

A special thanks also goes to Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore which, every year, allows the realization of the Exhibitions, allowing the works of the artists to be set up in its prestigious spaces.

The goal of Itinerari d'Arte e Spiritualità is to arouse thoughts and moments of sharing among students, professors and university staff, all through the artistic medium, promoting a cultural and cult experience for the academic community.

Here you can find all the catalogues of the exhibitions of Art and Spirituality Itineraries held in previous years:
