
The Perfume of the Master

of St. John Henry Card. Newman

Jesus, help me to spread everywhere
Your perfume, wherever I pass.
Flood my soul with your Spirit
and your life.
Invade me completely and
Become the master of my whole being
'Cause my life
is an emanation of yours.
Enlighten by using me
And take possession of me to such an extent
That every person I approach
May I feel your presence in me.
Looking at me, don't let me be seen,
but you in me.
Stay in me.
Then I'll shine with your splendour
and I will be able to act as a light for others.
But this light will have its source
only in you, Jesus,
And it won't come to me
Not even the smallest radius:
You will be the one to enlighten others
using me.
Suggest to me the praise that is most pleasing to you,
that enlightens others around me:
I don't preach in words
but by example,
Through the momentum of my actions,
With the visible glow of love
that my heart receives from you.
