Pastoral Assistant at the Cremona Campus

Don Maurizio Compiani

He has been a priest of the diocese of Cremona since 1984. He obtained a licentiate in Sacred Scripture from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, and a doctorate in Biblical Theology from the Gregorian University in Rome (in 2011).
He has held various teaching positions at the Episcopal Seminary of Cremona (1990-1999) and in the diocese: in charge of ACLI spiritual formation (2005-2008), FUCI and MEIC diocesan assistant (2005-2010). He collaborates with the Interdiocesan Seminary of Shkodra (Albania) of which, as fidei donum, he was responsible for the formation of the Major Seminary (1999-2003).
Currently, in addition to teaching theology courses at the Cremona campus of the Catholic University, he is a professor of exegesis at the ISSR of Crema-Cremona-Lodi and the ISSR of Mantua.

Since 2013 he has been pastoral assistant at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Cremona.

Office hours
Monday and Tuesday from 8.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
On other days by appointment.

Tel. 347 037.33.82
