Theology Professors' Board
Tasks and components
The Theology Department, chaired by the Rector and coordinated by the General Ecclesiastical Assistant, comprises all the professors of theology working at Università Cattolica and has the twofold task of optimising the discipline's didactic programme and of encouraging a lively comparison between theology and the other fields of knowledge cultivated within the University. This institution is inspired by the Apostolic Constitution on the Catholic Universities Ex corde Ecclesiae, promulgated by Saint John Paul II on 15 August 1990 and, in particular, intends to implement the observations expressed in point 19:
Theology plays a particularly important role in the search for a synthesis of knowledge as well as in the dialogue between faith and reason. It also contributes to all other disciplines in their search for meaning, not only by helping them to examine how their discoveries will affect people and society, but also by providing a perspective and guidance that is not contained in their methodologies. In turn, interaction with these other disciplines and their discoveries enriches theology, offering it a better understanding of the world today, and making theological research more relevant to current needs.