The Pastoral Centre

The Pastoral Centre of Università Cattolica operates according to an educational approach that has its genesis and purpose in the Christian person and vision.

  • It takes care of the celebration of the Liturgy, the spiritual experience, the charitable commitment, the discussion on the meaning of life and the unity of knowledge.
  • It supports the commitment of Volunteering: a Christian experience of sharing and growth based on service and constant attention to others.
  • It educates for the Mission, as a moment of study and commitment to formation in the problems of mission and the world.
  • It fosters the synthesis between culture and the Christian faith, is open to listening to the human heart and is nourished by listening to the Word of God. It is a place of welcome, discussion, prayer and formation.
  • It is staffed by pastoral assistants, who are always attentive to encounters and available for dialogue of life aimed at the human and spiritual growth of the person. The operators of the Pastoral Center are present from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 to 17.00.
  • Ecclesial associations and movements, prayer and volunteer groups cooperate with the Pastoral Centre: each with its own charism contributes to the common commitment of formation, witness and evangelizing mission.


Listening: the main activity of the Pastoral Centre is to provide one's availability to students, teachers and administrative staff, for a moment of listening and serene discussion aimed at the human and spiritual growth of the person; for this reason, the operators of the Pastoral Center are present throughout the week, from 9.00 to 18.00

Sacrament of Reconciliation: our life of faith is renewed in the beauty of the experience of God's forgiveness. Every day from 9:00 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. at the Pastoral Center or in the confessional (Sacred Heart Chapel) a priest is available for the sacrament of Reconciliation
