F.U.C.I. - Federazione Universitaria Cattolica Italiana

The Italian Catholic University Federation has existed since 1896 and since then it has proposed itself as a place of 360° training during the university years: a shared path, relationships, research, discussion, prayer... These are the ingredients of our experience.

We believe that the deep desire of every young university student is not only to learn knowledge, but to have an experience of integral growth, to become responsible citizens, men and women intellectually and spiritually prepared to face the challenges of today.

"... There are those who judge faith to be an encumbrance when one sets out on the dispassionate search for truth. (...) Do you not think that a religion which has faith as its hinge, the implicit possession of the Truth, must necessarily have another, namely, the waiting, the search, the passion, the greedy and insatiable tension towards this Truth, a tension which is called love? And that all this is clearly figured in our word studium? Which, under the meaning of cognitive meditation, always conceals that of ardor, desire, passion, love: then the first precept of the evangelical law love God with all your intelligence is truly the supreme precept of university life... "

(Giovanni Battista Montini, St. Paul VI - University Consciousness)


Official website: https://www.fuci.net

Official journal: Research


Gruppo FUCI "G. Lazzati" room FUCI, Gnome passage, staircase F, ground floor, L.go A. Gemelli n. 1;
tel. 02 - 7234.2565   fax 02 - 70053.5058;

Presentation of the FUCI Group "G. Lazzati" 
e-mail presidenzafuci.ucsc@gmail.com
website: https://fucimilano.weebly.com/


Office Box no. 3, Via E. Parmense no. 84;
tel. 0523 - 599.294
e-mail presidente@piacenzaucsc.fuci.net
Website: https://www.piacenzaucsc.fuci.net

FUCI Group "G. Moscati": Pastoral Center, L.go F. Vito n. 1;
e-mail fuci.romacattolica@live.it
website: https://www.romaucsc.fuci.net

Centro Pastorale, Via Trieste n. 17


