Communion and Liberation
Communion and Liberation is an ecclesial movement founded by Fr. Luigi Giussani (1922-2005) whose purpose is the mature Christian education of its adherents and collaboration in the mission of the Church in all areas of contemporary society.
The current acronym (CL) summarizes the conviction that the Christian event, lived in communion, is the foundation of man's authentic liberation. There is no form of membership, but only the free participation of people.
CL also expresses in Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore the missionary and educational commitment that the movement, at the ecclesial, social and political levels, lives on both a national and international scale.
Official website:
International magazine: Traces (monthly)
At Università Cattolica: Milan, Aula S. Giovanni, staircase E, ground floor;
tel. 02 - 7234.2544